Journaling has become very popular recently and is an excellent strategy to have in your wellbeing toolkit.
Journaling is getting your thoughts, feelings, ideas, worries and inspirations out of your head and onto paper to create space to think. When thoughts are bouncing around in our head, it can be difficult to make sense of them or think clearly.
The more frustrated and confused we feel, the more stressed and ewe become. By writing things down, we can relieve that pressure and taken a step back. We will then be able to think clearer and solutions may present themselves easily.
We can use writing, drawing or typing. It's low cost and can be done anywhere.
You can use bullet points, full sentences, spider diagrams, colours to represent your emotions or pictures as ways of expressing yourself.
Once you have journaled, you can use it in many ways.
Goals can be broken down into smaller tasks that you can work on achieving.
Insights can be explored.
Difficult emotions can be examined to see if there is a pattern and therefore identify a trigger and
Positive thoughts and feelings can be promoted, used as affirmations or inspiration for bringing more joy into your life.
Journaling is a great tool for reducing stress
Processing emotions
Reducing overwhelm
Improving wellbeing
Self discovery
Goal setting and coming to terms with the past.
To get started, choose whether you are using a notebook, phone/laptop or a sketch pad.
Find a style that works for you.
If you like free expression, then go for it.
If you like more structure, you might want to try Journaling prompts such as:
Describe a favourite childhood memory
Write about an experience in nature
Describe something that causes you to feel anxious
What would your life look like if you had everything you wanted?
Describe yourself.
If you're using journaling to help you resolve a disagreement, try writing from both sides of the argument.
If you are using it to help you accept a difficult experience, once you have written it down, look for positives that you can take from the experience and how you can protect yourself from a similar situation in the future.
Try and find a routine so that journaling becomes a regular activity.
Think about what you want to achieve from journaling
How much time do you have and how do you want to use what arises when you are journaling?
Be honest
Imagine you are writing to:
Your future self
Younger self
Someone you admire
Someone who has passed on
Someone who has upset you
Someone who needs your advice
Use quotes to inspire your exploration
Keep it safe.
Enjoy it, it's an opportunity to create personal space and get to know yourself. Be free !
If you would like support with managing your wellbeing, please get in touch.
Chris. x